Friday, March 11, 2011

Mark Winne's Events Canceled!

As I'm sure you all know, Crescent City is currently under a tsunami warning and evacuation. They are currently reporting significant damage to our harbor and the potential for a larger surge later. The people affected by the devastating earthquake and tsunami in Japan are in our thoughts.

Locally, this does mean that we are canceling Mark Winne's visit to Del Norte this weekend! All scheduled events are canceled, including tonight's book reading. We have asked Mark to stay in San Francisco because hotels are either evacuated or full of evacuees, and the school, where our events were scheduled, is Crescent City's official evacuation site.

We plan to reschedule Mark's workshops for later this spring. If you know of anyone planning to attend, please spread the word. I will attempt to contact people, but cannot get to my office because it is in the evacuation zone.

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